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One of the benefits of being part of a national company is having the opportunity to speak with brokers like you about some of the challenges you’re facing. The same three problems keep coming up in those conversations:

  • Insurance carriers have you right where they want you. I don’t mean to insult you when I say this. But the fact is, thanks to the carriers, there’s no difference between the service you provide and the service your competition offers.
  • You live and die by the spreadsheet. Insurance carriers give you a menu of options, which you then present to your clients. But that’s not a strategy, nor is it a service differentiator (see point 1).
  • You continually shop the same four or five carriers. But these carriers don’t give you any sort of actionable information you can use to really help your clients and, as a result, yourself.

It’s been this way for a long time. Too long, in fact. But fully insured carriers don’t want things to change. Why would they? With their 25% margins, they’re making money hand-over-fist. So, they continue to keep you under their control and pigeonhole you into selling the same services every year. They inhibit you from delivering customized, value-added services to your clients and differentiating you from your competition.

How can you break free?

Check out our new video below for a better understanding on how insurers keep you from being creative and reduce your value by forcing you to sell services instead of providing value-added consulting. We’ll also share three ideas to help you become a true consultant your clients can’t live without.

Then, when you’ve decided you’re done playing “let’s make a deal” every year for those clients, contact EVHC to see how we can help you escape from the box carriers have created for you.


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